Monthly Archives: January 2018

Gass Family Mission Financial Clarity Report 2018

Gass Family Mission Financial Clarity Report

April and I want you to know that we are extremely thankful for all you do. The ministry here in Nicaragua would not function as it does without your help. I want to give you a little update that explains how the funds you invest in the ministry are being used.

Bible Institute $600

Currently, the ministry receives $600 from MMMA (Medical Missions Ministry of Ashe) that we use for the Bible Institute. I use this for payroll for the teachers.
We currently have 4 staff members and a $1120 Bible Institute Payroll. Nicaraguan law requires a 13th month payment. This payment is due on December 1. The work done by these guys is the core work of the Institute. Due to budget restraints we have had to cut back the number of students we allow to enroll in CBI (Carazo Bible Institute). We had a a target number of 24 a year, we have reduced that to 15-18 yearly. It costs about $635 per student per year for books and material. Each student gets a packet each month. Almost every Saturday, we meet with a different group. Between those meetings, one of the guys visits their home each week. During this visit, students are evaluated on progress, and comprehension.

All 4 of these men are actively involved in the church in a leadership role. Two of the men have a motorcycle provided by the ministry. The bike is available for personal use as well. We are working to get another motorcycle ($1000-1500) for Jr. William doesn’t need one.

These guys are now my best friends and family. I consider them my closest brothers in Christ. I trust them with my life and believe they have the same trust for me.

Medical Clinic $400/ $200

Our staff Doctor is receiving $400 a month (plus 13th month)
She visits many patients a week at their home. She is extremely compassionate. She does work each month providing medical care in a small village outside of Jinotepe. She does in home care for 2 children with feeding tubes.
The first Monday of each month, we have an open clinic at the new building. January, it was from 9-12. It was the first one and there were about 6 patients. She is available for calls, and our whole church knows that she will help them. Also, she has extended her services to other missionaries who have emergencies. She often immediately visits them in their house if she receives a call from us.

$200 a month (Provided by MMMA) goes to medicines and med exams. We give that money to Reyna each month and she is responsible for turning in receipts. Some months she uses more, some less. She keeps up with it in a cash box. Because of the monthly purchases, there is never usually a surplus of $100. If the Med money is ever short (more cost than expected), April and I usually just make up the difference from personal funds.


We have moved from under our porch and started having church in Diriamba, in the new building that we will call the Carazo Ministry Center. We desire to purchase this building and lack $46000. The church is the core to all the different ministries we do. We believe strongly in the local church and it is important to model that in front of Nicaraguans. All ministries, CBI, Med Clinic, ect. fall under the leadership of the local church. They are an arm of and not a replacement for the local church. We incorporate church members to help in the various ministries and promote national ownership. We have several adoptive families attending and cannot at this time post pictures during church activities. Currently the building rent is paid by Tree of Life Ministries (1 year pledge).

Moving forward.

This next year is going to be a giant struggle. We lost about $1000 a month in support from an individual donor. We have cut out quite a bit of our personal expenses to make up for it. We want you to know that we fully trust that God will provide for us in every way He sees fit. As of today, our personal monthly support is as follows:

$1250 coming from 5 different Churches
$750 individual donors & Family Contributions (fluctuates)
$2000 Total
We get quarterly support from 2 individuals that totals $750
$250 of that is designated to go to CBI. We do, from time to time, receive one time offerings that we have no way to predict. Again, we want you to know how thankful we are for the sacrifices you make to be a generous contributor to the kingdom work here in Nicaragua. You are a vital part of this work. We are encouraged by your generosity. If there are any questions about our finances please feel free to email us. read our blog

If you would like to contribute financially to the ministry here in Nicaragua, you can find out how on our blog.

Soli Deo Gloria, Gass family.

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